Austin Homestead Exemption
A homestead exemption is a must-have if you own a home in Texas! It’s not difficult to get the exemption. Just mail in the application one time, and the exemption will be yours as long as you own the house. The homestead exemption will lower your tax bill. We hope our Austin Homestead Exemption page helps you take care of getting this done.
Why have a homestead exemption?
First, a homestead exemption will lower your property’s value for taxes, and therefore lower your tax bill. Schools districts offer a $25,000 appraisal reduction, and some taxing units offer other additional reductions.
Second, your taxes may not increase more than 10% in any year when you have a homestead exemption on your property.
Does your home qualify for a homestead exemption?
This exemption is for your primary owner occupied residence. You must have owned and lived in the house on Jan.1 of the year that you apply.
What’s your deadline to apply?
Between January 1 and April 30. Later, in May, you will receive your property valuation from the appraisal district. Be sure that a “Homestead Exemption” is noted on that form.
This is free!
Don’t respond to official looking letters asking you to pay a fee to file your property as a homestead in the deed records. This is not necessary, and it is not the same thing as the property tax exemption.
Make sure your driver’s license shows your current home address.
Your driver’s license address must match the homestead address. If you are new to Austin, be sure to get your license updated to show your new home address. You will need to send a copy of your license with your application.
The Appraisal District should have sent you an application.
The Appraisal District should have sent you a homestead application form. But if they didn’t, download one, and mail it to the appraisal district. If you missed the deadline (April 30), send it in anyway! You may get a deadline extension.
There are other exemptions that you may qualify for.
Other exemptions include the Over 65 Exemption and Disabled Veteran Exemption. The over 65 exemption may be applied as soon as you turn over 65. You don’t have to wait until Jan-April of the year. There are additional exemptions that you may qualify for.
Here’s a good link to FAQ’s on all exemptions.
Thanks for visiting our Austin Homestead Exemption page. Feel free to call us if you have a question about real estate. We’re happy to help and offer advice. And, remember to send anyone you know who needs to sell or find a new home in Austin our way. They will thank you! Get to know us here.